Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021

Children Eating in Bolingo Village, December 2020

Children Eating in Bolingo Village, December 2020

In 2020, everyone, all around the world, had life interrupted. Bolingo Village was no different. We changed schedules, had essential staff move in, and non-essential staff stay home, implementing a lock-down to keep our kiddos safe. Kids that used to go to school every day and play with their friends were no longer allowed to leave the village walls. They had to adjust to a new schedule, a new normal; but they still had food, they had a home, a foster mom, siblings, a place where they belonged, felt safe, and loved. A place where their biggest worry was what turn they would get on the swings that day. Instead of going to school they learned at home and played in the playground and community center. They helped with age-appropriate chores. They argued and learned to work out their differences. They lived their lives blissfully unaffected in a country where food prices tripled, disease and illness were rampant, and uncertainty was, and still is, tangible.

The Global Orphan Foundation family did that. 

While many of our goals for 2020 are still in progress due to this disruption, we are immensely proud of what we did accomplish. We kept our kids and staff safe during the most significant public health crisis of our time. We provided over 20,500 nutritiously balanced meals, and regular medical care. We expanded our farm operations (traditional crops, livestock, and insects). We read over 365 bedtime stories, played countless games of soccer and make-believe, and kissed every boo-boo.   

In 2021 we plan on continuing our focus on sustainability, but we need your help. We realize that to make a difference for generations to come, Bolingo Village has to create the funds needed to offset operations. To help us get there, our founders have committed to covering all operating expenses – but our programs need your support! Over the next year we want to do many things, including doubling our insect farm's capacity, increasing production and allowing for sales of excess to support farm operations; provide more community medical services and start a farmer’s market with vegetables from our farm. We want to further expand our livestock by increasing the number of chickens and adding goats. We also plan on building more family houses so we can welcome more children to Bolingo Village. 

Donate today to help us support children for generations to come. By making strategic investments now, Bolingo Village will be able to help children forever. 

  • A $100 donation will help support enrichment activities for the children at Bolingo Village. 

  • A $300 donation buys and supports a chicken or goat for a year – giving children a sustainable source of protein. 

  • A $1,500 donation sponsors one child at Bolingo Village for a year! 

  • A $3,000 donation feeds one Bolingo Village Family three balanced meals a day for a year. 

  • A $35,000 donation will allow us to build a new home at Bolingo Village and welcome a new family. 

Thank you all so much for being a part of the GOF family!


2020 Annual Report


The Vision for Bolingo Village Pt 2