Thanks for a Great Year!

During this holiday season, we can’t help but take a minute to reflect on all that we’ve accomplished in 2019. With the help of our Global Orphan Foundation family, 2019 is coming to a close with an incredible sense of accomplishment.

Campamento Mi Momento - this was an excellent year for our camp program! We had 40 campers from Nicaragua at our five-day experience, where we focus on providing girls with skills of leadership, goal-setting, proper coping, and relationship building.

Bolingo Village - We are revolutionizing the standard of care for orphaned children in Congo to provide them with all the tools to become the leaders of tomorrow. Located on 50 acres of land outside the capital city, Bolingo provides orphaned children with a place to belong. With family houses, led by licensed foster moms, a playground, medical clinic, community center for learning and playtime, as well as both insect and traditional farming to increase sustainability, our village is everything a child needs. Bolingo provides a variety of educational opportunities, consistent medical care, a loving foster family, emotional and spiritual care, and so much more. In short, a robust and abundant childhood with a bright future.


Our ten-year goal of opening Bolingo Village has become a reality in only six years! The inspiration behind Bolingo Village was so much more than just providing for children's basic needs. That was our starting point - a bare minimum we knew we had to surpass. We've always wanted to instill the knowledge that they can accomplish anything, the time and space to be children, and the skills to deliver on their dreams. Today, we're happy to say we've started that journey with our first children.

Looking forward to 2020 – We’ve come so far and are helping some of the world’s most vulnerable children, but we know we’re not done yet!

  • We're excited about striving toward sustainability at Bolingo Village. We’ll be expanding our insect farming, livestock, and traditional farming to support everyone in the village while minimizing our reliance on outside food sources.

  • We'll start accepting infants to meet the needs of social services and grow our Bolingo family.

  • We’ll expand Bolingo’s program offerings to more fully meet the emotional and developmental needs of our kids.

  • We will be opening our clinic to the surrounding community.

To help us achieve these goals, we’re ecstatic to announce that our founders have committed to covering all operating expenses meaning that the entirety of your gift will directly support our life-changing programs.

From everyone at Global Orphan Foundation, from our Founders, Board of Directors, U.S. Staff, DRC Staff, and Bolingo Family, Happy Holidays!


Temporary Placements at Bolingo?


Campamento Mi Momento 2019